**excl. €25 boekingskosten en €2,50 bijdrage calamiteitenfonds
Romantic Rome
Fly with us to Italy
Which departure dates are available?
When making your reservation you can see all available dates in the calender on the booking page. In most cases we’ll be able to handle your booking on one of the preferred dates you put in when making the reservation. In some cases it might happen we do not have packages available from the departure airport selected by you or on the dates you wish to travel. In that case you can either choose an alternative date proposed by us or you can request a full refund when your trip is booked directly at us. When your trip is bought at one of our partners we will contact you to discuss another departure option with you. Your trip is confirmed once you received your booking confirmation.
Are all taxes included in the price?
Yes, all taxes like airport fees and fuel surcharges are included in the price. Possible tourist tax might be charged during booking or by the hotel during your stay.
What is the minimum age to book?
Passengers from the age of 18 years old may travel without their parents on a Surprise Citytrip. Passengers younger than 18 year of age must always be joined by a passenger older than 18 years.