The best citytrips
Against the lowest fares
 100 000+ travelers
 Destinations across 25+ countries
 More than 15 years in the market
 Represented in 7 countries


We are here to answer any questions

We would like to inform you that almost all answers to your questions are written in our FAQ. When you have a question about a citytrip that is already confirmed, you can find all needed information in your booking confirmation. In your booking confirmation you can also find a number of easy tips and tricks to make your trip as smooth as possible. We kindly request you to read your booking confirmation carefully.

How can you reach us?

Speak to one of our employees in our Live Chat.
To help you well and quickly we offer Live Chat service. You can speak to an employee directly and free of charge via our chat service. Our Live Chat is open 7 days a week from 09: 00-18: 00. Our Live Chat can be found at the bottom right of your screen. Click here.

Send us an e-mail.
Do you prefere to send an e-mail? Then you can send this to We do our best to answer your message as soon as possible.

Do you have a problem during your trip?
Call us at our emergency number that is available 24/7. You can find this phone number at page 3 of your booking confirmation.


In our list with frequently asked questions you can find the answer on most of your questions. Please click on the button below to find the answer on your question.
